= A simple browser environment Request a feature
for coding live javascript Fork me on github
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Language Extensions
vars._ A place to put persistent data
once._ A place to put functions that run once
always._ A place to put functions that run continuously
cached(f)(-) Caches value of f applied to JSON'able arguments
(useful for expensive tasks like audio synthesis)
clear() Clears vars, once, always, cache, setTimeouts, canvas
using(url) Loads & caches a remote script (useful for libraries)
Coding Tools
help(-) Looks inside any object/function (great for hacking :)
print(-), Print messages to log area
assert(-,-) assert(value,message) throws an error if value is false
(see help(assert) for details & other assertions)
TODO(-) TODO(message) is a placeholder for unfinished code
Graphics - using HTML5 canvas
draw A 2D canvas context (see examples)
mouseX, Current mouse coordinates in pixels
Audio - using HTML5 audio
play(-) Plays a uri from encodeWav/tone/noise/speech or the web
encodeWav(-) Encodes an array of [-1,1]-valued samples to a wav uri
tone(-), Synthesize sound and encode to wav uri
noise(-) (see examples or try help(-) for details)
sampleRate, Constants in kHz (all time units are ms or kHz)
Speech - using espeak/speak.js
say(text) Speaks text out loud
speech(text) Synthesizes voice and encodes to a wav uri
Keyboard Shortcuts
F1 Show language help F1
F2 Show keyboard shortcuts F2
Ctrl-C Reset state, same as clear() Cmd-C
Escape Pause/continue compiling Escape
(useful for atomic edits)
Ctrl-F Start searching Cmd-F
Ctrl-G Find next Cmd-G
Shift-Ctrl-G Find previous Shift-Cmd-G
Shift-Ctrl-F Replace Cmd-Option-F
Shift-Ctrl-R Replace all Shift-Cmd-Option-F
Ctrl-Space Autocomplete Cmd-Space
Ctrl-S Save code locally Cmd-S
Ctrl-O Open local gallery Cmd-O
Related Projects
an organization dedicated to live coding of art
a live coding IDE for video and audio
GLSL sandbox
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(with community gallery & forking)
Studio Sketchpad
a browser-based IDE for processing.js
Lively Kernel
an early experiment in browser-as-platform
a band of visual live coders
who converted some of their material to webgl
mrdoob's voxels
a WebGL demo of MineCraft-style block building
a programming langauge with javascript semantics but cleaner syntax
(compiles to javascript in a browser)
a programming language that cleans up and compiles to javascript
a javascript live-coding framework developed with openframeworks
a browser-based collaborative code editor using Eclipse Orion
(also called livecoder)
a vector graphics library with a sexy demo
a voice synthesizer running in javascript (even on chrome)
a javascript style beautifier (including lexer)
a browser-based playground for learning HTML5 and javascript
html5wow terminal
a browser-based terminal emulator
...many others...